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LESSON 8.0 Application of the Word.
It is amazing to me to see how something recorded so many years ago can
still apply to me today. Some scriptures
are plain: Acts 2:38 “Repent and be baptized…” while others may be a little confusing. Mark 10:21 “Go and sell everything you have
...” There is more to each of these
phrases and that is when we need to focus on learning to apply the word. Often times, when you do a devotional or even look on
Facebook, there is a scripture just pulled out.
One stand alone verse. While this
is appropriate in its intent, if you want to know the full meaning of each
verse, you need to go deeper.
Let’s start with one verse and see how we can put
application to it.
I John 1:9 NIV “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and to purify us from all unrighteousness.”
This verse can definitely stand alone or be used with other
scriptures especially when beginning or leading someone into a relationship with Christ. Let’s take a closer look and apply it. Let’s read it in context. That means read what comes before it and what
comes after it. Open your Bible to I
John 1:9. What is a good place to
start? What is a good place to end? Letting the Bible interpret itself is a
wonderful way to study it. Some may look at our Bible's subheadings as my NIV Life Application Bible shows a subheading just before I John 1:5 that says, "Walking in the Light." Others may wish to go to the beginning of the chapter. If you don't understand a verse by reading the verse or two before it, go back further. This may mean to go to the beginning of a book or a chapter. My life Application Bible continues a section from I John 1:5 to I John 2:14. This may all be necessary to read to understand the true intent of that single verse.
Let’s look at a few other places in the Bible and use 2
different application worksheets. The
first one is called “Application Worksheet.” This and the other worksheets in this lesson are adapted from “Inductive Bible Study Handbook from Leadership Resources
International. I have looked into trying
to order more of this book, but it has no ISBN and I can’t find them
online. The front cover said to
photocopy and put to use. While I do not understand if there would be a copyright infringement by using those sheets on a blog, I have recreated them and really they do look a lot different, the ideas are just the same. This first one is not intended to be completely filled
out because not every passage covers everything on this worksheet.
Look at Matthew 6: 19-34 and use it with this sheet. This passage is loaded so we can fill out
several sections of the worksheet. You also may have more than one answer for each question. Is there a lesson to learn? Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Is there a prayer to pray? I don't see a specific prayer to pray her, but if I look at Matthew 6:9-13, I would find a whole prayer. Is there a sin to confess? This is personal. If there is an instruction in this passage that I struggle with as sin, I would likely write it here. Is there a promise to claim? Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Is there a message to share? There are several messages in this text. This is a place where you need to have the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Some of these messages need to be shared, but if you do so in your own power, you could turn people away. If I go to my wealthy Christian friend and say, "You can't serve both God and money!" I don't think it would be well received. That is likely me judging my friend saying that they worship their money. Is there an instruction to obey? This is similar to the first question. Do not worry about your life. (One of several answers that can go here) Is there a conflict to avoid? Again, this is a personal application so if you struggle with money, maybe that is a conflict you need to avoid. Is there an example to follow? One could say that we should follow the example of the sparrow and don't worry about what you will eat. Is there a new understanding to embrace? There could be if you've never really noticed any of these teachings before. Is there an attribute of God to marvel? My heavenly Father knows my needs. Each person who fills out this sheet will fill it out differently from others. You really don't even need this sheet, you can just keep these thoughts in mind as you read new scripture. You can answer some of these questions in your journal as well.
The next worksheet we will look at is a character
worksheet. It is possibly a little more thought
provoking . Here is one reason
that this type of worksheet would be good.
If you’ve ever been told something like, “You have
the heart of David.” or, "You have an Esther anointing." It is important to review the Word
and find out exactly what David or Esther did. David is spoken of over a long portion of the Bible and though Esther is a small book, we’ll use
something that is fresh in our memory from a recent study.
Let’s look at the Character Jonah. Last week we looked at the book about him, this week, let’s look at some character things. We will find out about him in his book, Jonah.
Jonah is mentioned in the Bible in the Old Testament book of Jonah. He is also mentioned in Matthew 12:37,39,40,41; Matthwe 16:4,17; Luke 11:28,30,32 and II Kings 14:25. I found this by doing a search on my digital Bible e-Sword. When I searched on YouVersion, it misinterpreted my search and looked for John as well.
Always remember that when we use a new method of study or a
new worksheet that we still have all of the other things we’ve talked about to
go back to as well: footnotes, commentaries, cross-references, 5 W’s and
Here are 2 other possible worksheets to use. They will be used in the homework section.
Lesson 8.0
Each new lesson adds to the previous. Now that we are learning to apply the Bible,
we can use the previous lessons to help.
Name 2 of these things:
In your own words, describe why it would be valuable to you
to study a certain character of the Bible.
This answer doesn’t have to be the one given in class.
Use “Personal Application Worksheet” to look at Matthew 6:19-34
again. Use “Parable Study Worksheet” to look at the Parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10:30-37.
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