Searching for significance
Is it approval? Is it significance? What do I seek when among friends? Do my stories need to be greater, funnier, or even told to be counted a friend or active participant in a group? How can one who laughs and carries on feel lonely in the laughter?
Knowing you've over-stepped the boundaries of comfortable you try to withdraw. That not being an option, you try to cover it up, blending insecurity with not so funny tales. Sympathetic laughter echoes in the hollowness of the soul closed off. Heart discussion cut off as you listen half-heatedly to another baring their soul and receiving the same response from you as you perceived from them.
Talking, laughing, preparing what you will say next, not even in reply. Listening, listening, who is listening. We have not been listening. ALONE with your thoughts in a crowded room. Who will hear MY thoughts, MY desires. Who will agree? What if no one takes MY position? Well, there is the problem. . . The overstepped boundaries were not with those in the room. They were with The Uncreated One.
My righteousness turned into my rightness. Justified by a sense of knowing Truth. Most men know truth, but walking in Truth is altogether different. Isolation that is self-made by the self-righteous one walking around without a thought of others and at the same time worrying about what others think of me.
“Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.” Interlude (Psalms 39:4, 5 NLT)
Let me again die to self. Let me find peace in You! That is where my significance lies. Eternity awaits!
Walking in step with You and following You brought me to these beloved friends. Reading your Word and letting it roll off the barrier of me that I've erected rather than allowing it to penetrate my heart is not working. Walking within this place of self is lonely. Hide me in You!
If I have that assurance that You have gone before me and I haven't drug You along as an afterthought, I will be at ease. If at that time I am to walk in solitude from this world, I will be contented in knowing that the One who matters is my Guide. I trust You! I cling to You! I am not alone! And You have provided those who will walk alongside me in this life because You love me. I'm forever indebted to You, my Breath, my Joy, my Savior.
Thank You for the breakthrough in this obstacle! Take me to the next level! Help me to obey on each step of the journey! In Your beautiful Name, Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
Kingdom Principle: Give and It Shall Be Given Unto You
Sometimes I over share, and tonight as a miracle happened in our home, I initially blamed myself for my open mouth problem. Where to begin...?
Humble Thank You!
In my over-sharing even now, I don't want to give the impression that we are without met needs. There are just times when we over-spend and have several lines of credit that have payments that eat up a bigger portion of our budget than is comfortable. Rather than neglect our obligations, we cut out luxuries. We don't eat out. We reuse leftover food and make creative second meals. We buy flour, sugar, eggs and oil to make homemade junk food. We don't go bowling or on joy rides in the car. We drive the car rather than the newer and nicer pickup for fuel economy... Basic budget cuts. We are not going to even be without heat or food, we just simplify our lives. Actually, it's good for us.
Now in the past few weeks I tried to sell a few things to make a little extra cash, but it worked out that it was a very little amount of $5. I knew in my heart that I was supposed to give some money for something that I could have asked someone else to cover easily. Today was the day and I showed my husband ... It wasn't very much, and he said, "You're the one who knows how much money we have." I replied that I really wasn't sure what we have, but it's the right thing to do.
I shared with a group of friends a little about Kingdom finance tonight and that He takes care of things in a way we don't understand. In that I shared that we don't have extra money to seed into a project right now and that we ate deer stew and it told my kids it was part of our lessons for school about early colonies. This is true, but I had other food to eat too in the freezer and shelves. I'm just being conscious of wasting as little as possible right now.
Our meeting is over, my husband gave the money and got home first to find an envelope on our door with money in it... Anonymous. He called me to tell me and immediately I felt guilty. I told him that I should not have said what I said. We have everything we need. Then he reminded me that I gave and said, "it's the right thing to do." What I gave wasn't much at all and what I received was more. Yes, I'm overwhelmed by the goodness of God right now. Am I so proud as to believe that my rambling speech moved someone more than God could? Anonymous also means it could have been from someone who had no idea that I said those words, no idea I was talking about Kingdom finance tonight among other things.
Is it important to know who and why? No! I just need to trust that for whatever reason, God showed me a tangible sign that what I spoke was Truth. I am an ambassador of Christ, and the finances for an ambassador come from the Kingdom that sent him or her. It doesn't have to make sense. I am thankful to my God and to whoever was so stirred as to obey Him. This proves to me and hopefully others that He cares about the tiniest details of our lives. He also takes notice of our tiny acts of obedience. While I give God the credit for this testimony, I did ask Him to bless the giver with 10 times as much as they gave. If the giver is reading this and receives that blessing, they will have a great testimony as well!
Friday, October 4, 2013
The Battle Between Good and Evil.
I found this in my blog history from 2013 and I never published it. I'm not sure why I didn't then, so I'm going out on a limb and publishing it today.
Halloween has never been celebrated in my home since my marriage. It was really no big deal to just quietly bow out of festivities. We've helped out with fall festivals and alternatives, but our family conviction has deepened over nearly 18 years of marriage. The past 10 years with children were the first to draw questions as we never dressed up our babies. For the most part, people are very gracious when I give the simple answer that we don't participate. When people offer things to my children, we accept the treats and make a decision on what to do with the items, usually candy.
Enough about what I do. That isn't why I feel compelled to write. Anyone who professes faith in Jesus Christ is a target of this particular attack from the enemy of our souls. It does not matter how you spend October 31 and the surrounding days. It is our attitude toward other Christians regarding their choice that has become a foothold for Satan.
Since the beginning of the Christian church, there have been arguments about how Christians should worship or act. This is where denominations come from. In the beginning of America, groups of people were fleeing from European countries in hopes to have freedom in worship. Some sought gold and some adventure, but Quakers, separatists, pilgrims, saints came here seeking this freedom. Now we have it, and we live and move and have our being in Him.
I know how I feel and am drawn to blogs and articles and posts on Facebook to support my point of view. I also read a blog recently that is not my stance, but I saw her point ... at people like me as wrong and disobeying the Bible. I confess I felt a little offense rise up in me. It wasn't her choice that got me, but her statements about people who disagree with her. Something my dad said on Facebook reminded me of her statements and I was becoming angry at a lot of things. I won't share all of that right now.
With encouragement of a friend, I began to seek The Lord for His wisdom. Every thread about Halloween on Facebook pages of Christians is full of comments from every angle. Evangelizing, having nothing to do with it, just having fun, safe alternatives, breaking the darkness, and other views are not just shared, but are turning into fiery debates. Many sides of the argument giving scripture to support.
One Christian might say that because their church didn't have an alternative event, they are going somewhere else. Another would say that because their church allowed costumes, they're going somewhere else. Here goes the church hop which is a sign of division and all over what? Halloween. The holiday where the majority of Christians on all sides of the argument end the argument with, "What's the big deal about it?" One writer says that apparently it's a bigger deal than you think if it gets you riled up enough to take sides. Although I don't remember the topic of discussion in which that statement was made, I suggest it applies here.
We as Christians judge other Christians. You may say, "Not me!" I say, "Yes, you!" If not about Halloween, about Christmas, if not about Christmas, about worship style, if not about that about how they spend money and the list goes on and on and on... The Bible tells us to,"judge not." Amazingly, that is a Bible phrase almost every Christian can spout out in times of need. I'm finding that I use it most when I am offended. I would dare to say that we Christians are more understanding of non-Christians, than we are of other Christians who don't act they way we do.
I offer a challenge for Christians regarding Halloween today and whatever offends you about other Christians tomorrow. We know what we believe, let us take it to The Lord as a matter of prayer. Holy Spirit will give your heart peace or convict you and guide you. Search the scriptures for yourself and let God speak to you through them. Challenge your friends to do the same. Then TRUST that your friends have done the same even if they come to a different understanding than you. If you can have healthy discussions with friends, then do that. Each of you may discover something you didn't consider. Know why you made your choices.
What my family does this year is not going to look a lot different than previous years, BUT I understand that God doesn't call everyone to look the same. A public minister that I've followed for years had teachings that lined up with my beliefs about Halloween and they made a dramatic change this year. I don't agree with it completely and, yes, I became offended. This minister prays faithfully and this change is what God spoke to them. I have to trust that the change was made in obedience and I need to show this person love, not contempt.
There are plenty of battles that to fight, so please don't fight your own team, your family, the body of Christ. Let's listen to the Holy Spirit, know the real enemy and fight together!
There are plenty of battles that to fight, so please don't fight your own team, your family, the body of Christ. Let's listen to the Holy Spirit, know the real enemy and fight together!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Recently, I was given the opportunity to lead worship at a conference with invitees from my entire state. I have never led worship in that setting before. I've traveled with other teams and worshiped in other towns, but it has always been under the covering of another worship leader. I am confident in the anointing of worship leader, but this was a different responsibility level than I've ever had before. I've been in a lead role less than a year and though I've been trained for such things, my confidence was a bit shaky for this time.
A few weeks before the conference, I was really questioning the Lord. "Why me?" I am not a school trained musician. I have never taken piano lessons. I do know how to chord, but in over 10 years one would think my skill level would have improved more significantly. I was in my garden telling God about my inadequacy, especially in the keyboarding skills that I have (or lack). I have never heard God speak in an audible voice, but I do recognize when He speaks to me. He spoke very clearly to my heart, "Your keyboard is your slingshot." That was all, but it was enough.
I spent quite some time pondering that statement. My keyboard is my slingshot. Through time in the Word and time of meditation on Him, I have come to understand what He meant. A slingshot in my hands really is insignificant. Even Goliath thought a slingshot was insignificant in David's hands, when he was still alive to think. He taunted saying that Israel thinks he is a dog coming at him with sticks. That slingshot was the tool that God gave David for that moment to accomplish His purpose! It may look insignificant, but it was the exact tool that God wanted used.
My keyboard has sat in different rooms of my home and gets dusty, it is scratched up and one of the keys works when it feels like working, but it is significant in my hands because God said so. Period. I still do not have refined skills. Last Sunday leading worship, I made so many mistakes on it that I lost count. I still pressed into Him. In my weakness He is strong! This tool that may seem insignificant accomplished the purpose that God designed for that conference. I believe it is a lasting Word for me too, His purpose didn't end with that conference. When I am in doubt, I still have His Words to me in my heart. I don't naturally come up with encouraging words for myself. I usually hear the voice of the enemy as my own voice telling me that I am not good enough. I know that I couldn't have thought this up on my own. I wasn't even studying David. I was reading Genesis and Judges at the time.
Here's the thing now. I believe that God is speaking to hearts right now. He has given others a tool or tools that may seem insignificant. A drawing pencil, a computer, a pair of scissors, a football, or a garden rake may seem insignificant, but if God put it in your hands and tells you to use it, it is significant. It is your slingshot. You may not hear His voice, but say you were just drawing a cartoon and someone calls you up and asks if you can help them illustrate a Sunday School lesson. You realize that it is for a higher purpose. That is your slingshot. It may not be as big as a state wide conference or it may be bigger! I don't know, but if He put it in your hand and gave you an opportunity to use if for His glory, it is significant!
I am still a nobody who just wants to be faithful to His Kingdom purpose. My name is not on the lips of many. Very few people have been or will ever be in a service where I lead worship and yet I may travel the world. I just want to be available and go where He sends me. I don't even know how His purposes were accomplished through my keyboard and I may never in this life know, but I believe they were.
Are you ready to pick up your slingshot and use it?
A few weeks before the conference, I was really questioning the Lord. "Why me?" I am not a school trained musician. I have never taken piano lessons. I do know how to chord, but in over 10 years one would think my skill level would have improved more significantly. I was in my garden telling God about my inadequacy, especially in the keyboarding skills that I have (or lack). I have never heard God speak in an audible voice, but I do recognize when He speaks to me. He spoke very clearly to my heart, "Your keyboard is your slingshot." That was all, but it was enough.
I spent quite some time pondering that statement. My keyboard is my slingshot. Through time in the Word and time of meditation on Him, I have come to understand what He meant. A slingshot in my hands really is insignificant. Even Goliath thought a slingshot was insignificant in David's hands, when he was still alive to think. He taunted saying that Israel thinks he is a dog coming at him with sticks. That slingshot was the tool that God gave David for that moment to accomplish His purpose! It may look insignificant, but it was the exact tool that God wanted used.
My keyboard has sat in different rooms of my home and gets dusty, it is scratched up and one of the keys works when it feels like working, but it is significant in my hands because God said so. Period. I still do not have refined skills. Last Sunday leading worship, I made so many mistakes on it that I lost count. I still pressed into Him. In my weakness He is strong! This tool that may seem insignificant accomplished the purpose that God designed for that conference. I believe it is a lasting Word for me too, His purpose didn't end with that conference. When I am in doubt, I still have His Words to me in my heart. I don't naturally come up with encouraging words for myself. I usually hear the voice of the enemy as my own voice telling me that I am not good enough. I know that I couldn't have thought this up on my own. I wasn't even studying David. I was reading Genesis and Judges at the time.
Here's the thing now. I believe that God is speaking to hearts right now. He has given others a tool or tools that may seem insignificant. A drawing pencil, a computer, a pair of scissors, a football, or a garden rake may seem insignificant, but if God put it in your hands and tells you to use it, it is significant. It is your slingshot. You may not hear His voice, but say you were just drawing a cartoon and someone calls you up and asks if you can help them illustrate a Sunday School lesson. You realize that it is for a higher purpose. That is your slingshot. It may not be as big as a state wide conference or it may be bigger! I don't know, but if He put it in your hand and gave you an opportunity to use if for His glory, it is significant!
I am still a nobody who just wants to be faithful to His Kingdom purpose. My name is not on the lips of many. Very few people have been or will ever be in a service where I lead worship and yet I may travel the world. I just want to be available and go where He sends me. I don't even know how His purposes were accomplished through my keyboard and I may never in this life know, but I believe they were.
Are you ready to pick up your slingshot and use it?
Monday, June 3, 2013
Thought for the day June 3, 2013
I just experienced a moment with my kids arguing. I tried to single one out to discuss the issue and correct it, but the other consistently yelled at the other telling them how wrong they were. this condemning was so loud that it was not easy to hear my voice and correction. We dealt with the whole thing.
I reflect now on my brothers and sisters in Christ. I thought, "I bet Heavenly Father deals with this too." Sometimes if I see an issue with a "brother or sister," I can bring it to their attention, but the correction is not necessarily mine to handle. I need to make sure my rebuke isn't so hefty that they are distracted from the Voice of correction they really need to hear. I can intercede on their behalf to Father, even tattle to Him, but if I am obedient I will likely do more praying for them than yelling at them.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Basic Bible Study - Conclusion
Previous Lessons
Part 1 - Parts of the Bible Part 2 - Bible Translations, Paraphrases and Reading Plans Part 3 - Bible Footnotes and Maps Part 4 - Digital Bible Study Part 5 -Journals Part 6 - Highlighting and Noticing Patterns Part 7 - Application using 5 W's Part 8 - Application of the Bible Part 9 - Topical Bible Study Part 10 - Basic Word Study
Part 11 - Wrapping it up
Hopefully all who have read these lessons or studied live with us have been able to glean at least something from our lessons. We started by learning the very basics and went through to learning how to do a word study by going to the original language of the Bible. This study only scratched the surface of the ways one can study the Bible.
Another method that we discussed briefly in class is the S.O.A.P. method of study. Start with SCRIPTURE where you write down that scripture. Then comes OBSERVATION where you take note of the observations you've made about the scripture. Next is APPLICATION where you discover how to apply the scripture. Last is PRAYER where you ask for God's help to apply the scripture to your daily life.
The main objective that I would have for you is that you begin to at least read the Word of God for yourself. Starting this is key. I hope now you feel you have a place to start.
All of the lessons in this study go hand in hand with each other. Maybe you'll use lesson 6 and 8 togehter. Maybe you will use 3 and 6 and 9 in the same study. There are many combinations and many methods. There are also some resources that we talked about in our classroom that haven't been on the blog. One of those is The Bare Bones Bible Handbook by Jim George. There is also Halley's Bible Handbook. There are so many Study Bibles available as well with great commentary. Some of them are interest-based like the Worship, Spirit Filled Life, Life Application, Student, Archaeological, and version-based Study Bibles. Those just name a few.
I end with a list of tools you can use to study the Word of God on your own. Please do not forget that we need each other as well. Hebrews 10:23-25 NLT "Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."
Part 1 - Parts of the Bible Part 2 - Bible Translations, Paraphrases and Reading Plans Part 3 - Bible Footnotes and Maps Part 4 - Digital Bible Study Part 5 -Journals Part 6 - Highlighting and Noticing Patterns Part 7 - Application using 5 W's Part 8 - Application of the Bible Part 9 - Topical Bible Study Part 10 - Basic Word Study
Part 11 - Wrapping it up
Hopefully all who have read these lessons or studied live with us have been able to glean at least something from our lessons. We started by learning the very basics and went through to learning how to do a word study by going to the original language of the Bible. This study only scratched the surface of the ways one can study the Bible.
Another method that we discussed briefly in class is the S.O.A.P. method of study. Start with SCRIPTURE where you write down that scripture. Then comes OBSERVATION where you take note of the observations you've made about the scripture. Next is APPLICATION where you discover how to apply the scripture. Last is PRAYER where you ask for God's help to apply the scripture to your daily life.
The main objective that I would have for you is that you begin to at least read the Word of God for yourself. Starting this is key. I hope now you feel you have a place to start.
All of the lessons in this study go hand in hand with each other. Maybe you'll use lesson 6 and 8 togehter. Maybe you will use 3 and 6 and 9 in the same study. There are many combinations and many methods. There are also some resources that we talked about in our classroom that haven't been on the blog. One of those is The Bare Bones Bible Handbook by Jim George. There is also Halley's Bible Handbook. There are so many Study Bibles available as well with great commentary. Some of them are interest-based like the Worship, Spirit Filled Life, Life Application, Student, Archaeological, and version-based Study Bibles. Those just name a few.
I end with a list of tools you can use to study the Word of God on your own. Please do not forget that we need each other as well. Hebrews 10:23-25 NLT "Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."
Table of Contents
Other Digital Bibles
Bible Study Helps books/Handbooks
Noticing Patterns
Symbols with different personal meanings
5 W’s
Application Worksheets
Strong’s Concordance
1828 Webster’s Dictionary or other reliable
Topical Bible
Study Bible
In-Bible Concordance
In-Bible Index or dictionary or other reference
Parallel Studies
Context – before and after the verse
Chapter introductions
S.O.A.P study
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Basic Bible Study - Part 10
Previous Lessons
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Lesson 10.0 Basic Word Study
This week we will learn a very basic form of word study. A word study is when you find a word from the
Bible and look it up in its original Hebrew or Greek.
Let’s first review a few points. The Old Testament was originally written in
Hebrew/Aramaic and the New Testament was written in Greek. There have been many translators who’ve
translated the Bible into English as well as other languages and none of the
translations are “purer” than others because the word “love,” for example,
encompasses several different original Bible words so sometimes we need to know
the Bible word that was originally written to mean love if we want a better
understanding of the text.
We don’t have to rely on scholars or teachers to give us
this information, the tools are available to us at the library and at church
and at the bookstore. We just need to
know what to look for. There is
something called a Greek Lexicon or a Hebrew Lexicon and they are valuable
tools; however, for the average Bible student they go very deep and you have to
understand the Greek or Hebrew alphabets to be able to use them. If you’d like more information on these,
you’ll have to seek out that information and it is out there, but it will be a
significant investment of your time.
One of the simplest ways to do a word study is with a King
James Bible and Strong’s Concordance.
The Strong’s concordance was made specifically to give definition to
every word used in the King James translation.
You will notice that the word, “cometh,” is not in the NIV. There are concordances written for other
translations as well, but the Strong’s has been proven and used for many
years. Another tool that is good to use
with the Strong’s Concordance is a Webster’s Dictionary that was published in
1828. Why that year? That was the year that the King James Bible
was first written, so in order to understand the definitions of the period, we
need a dictionary of that period. One of
the words in the KJV is “thong.” Today’s
definition is not the same as the previous.
John was saying that he wasn’t worthy of untying Jesus’ sandals … it had
nothing to do with undergarments. While
that example may be humorous, there are others that could make our
understanding of His Word a little skewed.
The first step in doing a word study is finding the word
you’d like to search out.
Let’s start with just one verse. Isaiah 55:6 KJV “Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call
ye upon him while he is near.”
If we open the
concordance to MAIN CONCORDANCE, there are headers on the left upper corner of
the left page and right upper corner of the right page just like a
We will start with SEEK as it is the first word in the
Once we find the word SEEK in the Main Concordance section
we will look for “Isa 55:6” to give us the Strong’s number for the word,
SEEK. Some English words have multiple
Hebrew words that could mean the same thing.
In Isaiah 55:6, SEEK is given the Strong’s number “1875.” Notice that this number is in standard type
and some other numbers are in italics. Standard
type is Hebrew and italics are Greek words.
We are not at the end of this search. Now we need to go to the next section of
Strong’s that is the HEBREW AND CHALDEE DICTIONARY and find number 1875. You will find a similar entry to this:
dârash, daw-rash'; A primitive root; properly to tread
or frequent; usually to follow (for pursuit or search); by
implication to seek or ask; specifically to worship: - ask,
X at all, care for, X diligently, inquire, make inquisition, [necro-] mancer,
question, require, search, seek [for, out], X surely.
This may be a bit confusing to look at, but we can gather
from this entry that the possible meanings of this word are to follow; by
implication to seek or ask; specifically to worship. The words that follow that are not in italics
are possible translations of the word in to English.
That is just the first word of the verse. Follow the same steps for the rest of the
words in the verse. Words like "ye," "with," and "the" are actually found between the Main Concordance and the Hebrew and
Chaldee Dictionary in a section they refer to as Appendix as they are quite
frequently used. Also remember that some
phrases in English are only one word in other languages and vice versa. The only way to find out the exact original
text is to use the original text and go back to English. This is an imperfect way of word study, but it
is effective for the basic scholar.
These instructions do sound complicated, but once you’ve
looked up a few words, you’ll begin to get the hang of it. If you recall, we discussed e-Sword in a
previous lesson. If you look at the
translation KJV+, the program has done the footwork for you. Instead of using standard lettering and
italics, they use numbers like H1875 and G111.
If you hover over the number, the Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary or the
Greek Dictionary of the New Testament entry will appear in a pop-up box. This method saves a lot of time, but not
every word of every verse has a number associated with it.
Then we can also look up the words in the Webster’s 1828
Dictionary. Here is the entry for Seek
as copied from e-Sword:
SEEK, v.t. pret
and pp. sought, pronounced sawt. [L. sequor, to
follow; for to seek is to go after, and the primary sense is to advance,
to press, to drive forward, as in the L. peto.]
1. To go in searh or quest of;
to look for; to search for by going from place to place.
The man asked him, saying, what
seekest thou? And he said, I seek my brethen.
Gen 37.
2. To inquire for; to ask for;
to solicit; to endeavor to find or gain by any means.
The young lions roar after
their prey, and seek their meat from God. Psa 104.
He found no place for
repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears. Heb 12
Others tempting him, sought of him a sign. Luke
3.Seek is followed
sometimes by out or after. To seek out, properly
implies to look for a specific thing among a number. But in general, the use of
out and after with seek, is unnecessary and inelegant.
To seek God,
his name, or his face, in Scripture, to ask for his favor, direction and
assistance. Psa 83.
God seeks
men, when he fixes his love on them, and by his word and Spirit, and the
righteousness of Christ, reclaims and recovers them from their miserable
condition as sinners.
Ezek 34. Psa 119. Luke 15.
To seek
after the life, or soul, to attempt by arts or machinations; or to attempt to
destroy or ruin. Psa 35.
To seek
peace, or judgement, to endeavor to promote it; or to practice it.
Psa 34. Isa 1.
To seek an
altar, temple, or habitation, to frequent it; to restore to
it often.
2 Chr 1. Amos 5.
To seek out God's works, to endeavor to understand them. Psa 111.
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Here is a worksheet to help you get started |
LESSON 10.0 Worksheet
What translation of the Bible do you need to use with the
Strong’s Concordance?
Are there other reliable concordances available?
Why should we use the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary when
studying with the Strong’s Concordance and King James Version of the Bible?
If you have e-sword or a Strong’s Concordance and King James
Version Bible, look up one of your favorite verses and see if your
understanding of that verse changes or stays the same after searching the words
in it.
Look up the word “loved” from John 3:16. What is the Greek word used?
Is that your understanding of how God loved the world?
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Basic Bible Study - Part 9
Previous lessons
Lesson 9.0 Topical Bible Study
Here is where I am going to veer off my original plan and switch lessons 9 and 10 around. We will learn about topical Bible study today and next week about basic word studies. Word study is one of the more complicated subjects, but topical studies can be a stepping stone into word studies.
Most Bibles have a concordance of their own. We will use the larger Strong’s Concordance next week, but this week we will be using the concordance that we carry with us in our own Bibles. If you look at the back of your Bible, you might find a concordance. It often is limited in its content. There are several advantages to this type of concordance. First of all, it is attached to your Bible, so you don’t need a table full of books to use it. I like to use mine in bed as I read at night. Second, it has the same wording that your Bible has so you don’t have to find make sure your Bible and Concordance match translations. Third, if it is the Bible you are use to using, you can become familiar with it quickly. Finally, it is concise so you don’t have to wade through a bunch of entries to find what you’re looking for.
On the flip side while the back of your Bible’s concordance is concise, you may not find the verse you’re looking for. The Hebrew or Greek word or definition is not often available in these concordances.
A concordance is not a dictionary, but more like the key is to a map. Not every word in a Bible will be in a concordance. For instance“articles” are not in there, so you won’t find every – and, the, a. Looking at the verse, John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” You would likely find the words, “God, loved, world, gave, begotten, son, whosoever, believeth, him, perish, everlasting, life.” These would be key words to look for in the concordance.
Why is do we need these? One reason could be to find the verse. If you remember the verse but not the reference, you can use one of those words to find where it is located in the Bible. I would liken it to an internet search engine. If I wanted to find out how to make chocolate milk, I could find it with the word “chocolate”or “milk.” In the concordance, rather than giving me website options, I get scripture options. If I look up “world,” in the back of one Bible, I get 14 different options including John 3:16, John 7:7 and Titus 2:12, but before each scripture reference, is a phrase from the verse it represents. “God so loved the w…” is the phrase before John 3:16. I can then turn to that scripture and see if it is what I was looking for. Another entry says, “Don’t copy… this w…”Rom 12:2. The “w” represents the word I looked up “world.” That particular Bible gave a definition to the word as well. Not every Bible Concordance will do that.
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Here is an sample of the concordance entry from the NIV Study Bible for the word, "world." |
The lesson today is about topical Bible study and it took me a bit to get there, but that you have a bigger understanding of the concordance use, we can discuss how it can be a valuable tool in topical study. My kids and I did a month of lessons on “Trust.” That is a big topic, so the curriculum writer has narrowed the areas down so at one point we learned about sheep. Sheep trust their shepherd. The Bible refers to sheep a lot and Jesus refers to us a sheep and God being the shepherd. I want to know more about this. While the people of Jesus' time and area of the world could relate to sheep, I cannot fully grasp the inferences. I've worn wool and seen sheep in real life,but know nothing about their habits, so I did a topical study on them. I went to my concordance for a good starting place. I looked up, "sheep," and I looked up, "Shepherd." Once I found a few verses about them, there was another word that was commonly used, "Flock." It became another word I looked up. Other words that were used in my search were: Sheepfold, wool, lamb and staff. You can make a topical study quick or as lengthy as you want. It's your study and either way you will learn.
I can also look up things like anger or sadness or joy or fishing. If the Lord lays a word on your heart, check it out in The Word. My language may not make sense to you, but if there is a word you hear in conversation or one just pops in your mind, especially in prayer, it may be something to look up. I had the word “ubiquitous” randomly pop into my head. I didn't even know what it meant. The first place I went was not the concordance, it was a dictionary and since I like electronic devices, I actually used on my phone. Instant gratification… it means the same as omnipresent. Everywhere. At that point, I found another search I could do in the Bible. It didn't take long… neither word is in the Bible according to the few translations I used. Though I heard the word omnipresent as I was growing up in Sunday School, it was strange for me to find that it was not actually in the Bible. The Bible does describe in several places, however, that God is everywhere.
There are a few other books that are useful for topical studies. Some are devotional books and some are encouraging mini books. There are topical Bibles as well. There are many emails going around with multiple scriptures on a subject too. A way to make these things into a study can be to look up the verse about a topic and then go back and look at the verses surrounding it as we've done before to get the context. Then you can go to footnotes and cross-references and ... you get the idea.
One book that I have that is topical was given to me as I graduated from High School. It is called, "God's Promises for the Graduate," published by Thomas Nelson Publishers. There are headings in the table of contents that lead to pages of scriptures related to that topic. One such topic in that book, for example, is "For in Times of Anger." There are 21 scriptures that are quoted in that section. One of them is Ephesians 4:31-32 NKJV "Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you." If I need to know more of what the Bible says about anger (likely I do) I can look up all of those scriptures in context and make a great study out of them.
LESSON 9.0 Worksheet
When would you use the concordance in your Bible?
Do concordances in the back of most Bibles give every scripture reference for each entry?
Does every back of Bible concordance also include definitions for the words?
Are dictionaries useful for topical studies?
Is there a topic that is dear to you that you've been curious about? Don’t wait for Joel Osteen or some great preacher/teacher to write a book about it. Look up the key word(s) and search out the Word of God concerning that topic over the next few weeks.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Basic Bible Study - Part 8
Previous Lessons
LESSON 8.0 Application of the Word.
It is amazing to me to see how something recorded so many years ago can
still apply to me today. Some scriptures
are plain: Acts 2:38 “Repent and be baptized…” while others may be a little confusing. Mark 10:21 “Go and sell everything you have
...” There is more to each of these
phrases and that is when we need to focus on learning to apply the word. Often times, when you do a devotional or even look on
Facebook, there is a scripture just pulled out.
One stand alone verse. While this
is appropriate in its intent, if you want to know the full meaning of each
verse, you need to go deeper.
Let’s start with one verse and see how we can put
application to it.
I John 1:9 NIV “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and to purify us from all unrighteousness.”
This verse can definitely stand alone or be used with other
scriptures especially when beginning or leading someone into a relationship with Christ. Let’s take a closer look and apply it. Let’s read it in context. That means read what comes before it and what
comes after it. Open your Bible to I
John 1:9. What is a good place to
start? What is a good place to end? Letting the Bible interpret itself is a
wonderful way to study it. Some may look at our Bible's subheadings as my NIV Life Application Bible shows a subheading just before I John 1:5 that says, "Walking in the Light." Others may wish to go to the beginning of the chapter. If you don't understand a verse by reading the verse or two before it, go back further. This may mean to go to the beginning of a book or a chapter. My life Application Bible continues a section from I John 1:5 to I John 2:14. This may all be necessary to read to understand the true intent of that single verse.
Let’s look at a few other places in the Bible and use 2
different application worksheets. The
first one is called “Application Worksheet.” This and the other worksheets in this lesson are adapted from “Inductive Bible Study Handbook from Leadership Resources
International. I have looked into trying
to order more of this book, but it has no ISBN and I can’t find them
online. The front cover said to
photocopy and put to use. While I do not understand if there would be a copyright infringement by using those sheets on a blog, I have recreated them and really they do look a lot different, the ideas are just the same. This first one is not intended to be completely filled
out because not every passage covers everything on this worksheet.
Look at Matthew 6: 19-34 and use it with this sheet. This passage is loaded so we can fill out
several sections of the worksheet. You also may have more than one answer for each question. Is there a lesson to learn? Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Is there a prayer to pray? I don't see a specific prayer to pray her, but if I look at Matthew 6:9-13, I would find a whole prayer. Is there a sin to confess? This is personal. If there is an instruction in this passage that I struggle with as sin, I would likely write it here. Is there a promise to claim? Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Is there a message to share? There are several messages in this text. This is a place where you need to have the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Some of these messages need to be shared, but if you do so in your own power, you could turn people away. If I go to my wealthy Christian friend and say, "You can't serve both God and money!" I don't think it would be well received. That is likely me judging my friend saying that they worship their money. Is there an instruction to obey? This is similar to the first question. Do not worry about your life. (One of several answers that can go here) Is there a conflict to avoid? Again, this is a personal application so if you struggle with money, maybe that is a conflict you need to avoid. Is there an example to follow? One could say that we should follow the example of the sparrow and don't worry about what you will eat. Is there a new understanding to embrace? There could be if you've never really noticed any of these teachings before. Is there an attribute of God to marvel? My heavenly Father knows my needs. Each person who fills out this sheet will fill it out differently from others. You really don't even need this sheet, you can just keep these thoughts in mind as you read new scripture. You can answer some of these questions in your journal as well.
The next worksheet we will look at is a character
worksheet. It is possibly a little more thought
provoking . Here is one reason
that this type of worksheet would be good.
If you’ve ever been told something like, “You have
the heart of David.” or, "You have an Esther anointing." It is important to review the Word
and find out exactly what David or Esther did. David is spoken of over a long portion of the Bible and though Esther is a small book, we’ll use
something that is fresh in our memory from a recent study.
Let’s look at the Character Jonah. Last week we looked at the book about him, this week, let’s look at some character things. We will find out about him in his book, Jonah.
Jonah is mentioned in the Bible in the Old Testament book of Jonah. He is also mentioned in Matthew 12:37,39,40,41; Matthwe 16:4,17; Luke 11:28,30,32 and II Kings 14:25. I found this by doing a search on my digital Bible e-Sword. When I searched on YouVersion, it misinterpreted my search and looked for John as well.
Always remember that when we use a new method of study or a
new worksheet that we still have all of the other things we’ve talked about to
go back to as well: footnotes, commentaries, cross-references, 5 W’s and
Here are 2 other possible worksheets to use. They will be used in the homework section.
Lesson 8.0
Each new lesson adds to the previous. Now that we are learning to apply the Bible,
we can use the previous lessons to help.
Name 2 of these things:
In your own words, describe why it would be valuable to you
to study a certain character of the Bible.
This answer doesn’t have to be the one given in class.
Use “Personal Application Worksheet” to look at Matthew 6:19-34
again. Use “Parable Study Worksheet” to look at the Parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10:30-37.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
A few months ago my niece spent some time at my home. When she was here, she brought with her a kit to make a kaleidoscope. The outside had a few templates and colored pencils would complete the design that would be most evident at first glance of the toy. She colored it quickly and beautifully as was no surprise to me. It was ready to be assembled with the mirror to give the view of the pretty design. The chamber of shapes was neat. There was confetti and different shapes that float in a circular chamber.
When the completed kaleidoscope is in use, only a small wedge is truly seen and a reflection is repeated to make a new design. The shapes within the circular chamber aren't always recognized, but a fantastic pattern emerges in its place. As the chamber is rotated, the view changes and dazzles eyes, but the whole of reality is never seen again.
I had a dream where there was some type of calamity where the inside of a shopping center was in shambles. There were people and merchandise scattered awry and I was a news reporter. My associate and I were given a few moments to discuss and witness the scene and then we were to report on it. I'm ashamed to say that I saw the clothes first scattered and thought about the mess. Upon closer observation, I saw the people. Their lives shaken. They were being photographed in their various states of crisis. Some girls with their legs exposed as they had fallen in skirts. My dream didn't have blood, but there was obvious injury by the position of people. When it was time to report, I could only think of a kaleidoscope. Even I, with a first hand view could never see the full picture.
In life, I often miss reality because I am dazzled by the piece of the world I can see and it's distortions. Satisfied with the picture I get, I don't look for more. The world is in chaos! People are dying! I saw a picture of a world leader who recently died with a joke beside it as he was known as a Tyrant and his enemies are gloating. It disturbs me that this was a lost soul. I chose not to look at that image again. I will shuffle the images that are in my view until it is pleasing again and forget what is hidden. This is the way I carry on day after day. I shuffle the bad until its out of view.
I was going to say that this is an epidemic in Christianity, but I will dare to expand it to say this is an epidemic in America. Some people choose a pleasant view and some choose to keep an offended view, others have a mixture and feel they have perspective. Really only a very slim few are truly not looking through kaleidoscope view.
I Corinthians 13 says that we see through a glass dimly. Some translations say that we see a dim reflection in a mirror... So true! Like the kaleidoscope view, the picture that we see this side of heaven will never be complete. That doesn't mean that we should ignore what we choose not to see. In fact, everything that will come into our view in the future is affected by the portion that we cannot see at the present. In a kaleidoscope, the unseen portion is likely 80% or more of the possible whole. And every time the toy is shaken, the view changes. It will never look exactly the same again because the part we could not see shifts into view and things are rearranged. We never know when something that has left our view will reemerge either.
I don't yet have a conclusion to this analogy. There are so many directions that it could go ... I guess it's like a kaleidoscope in itself. Each of us can take the chamber of shapes and twist or shake it to see our new view of it.
I guess I will end with this: I can do a lot of things myself or let the environment change my view randomly or I can ask God to align my vision with His. May the eyes of my heart be enlightened.
When the completed kaleidoscope is in use, only a small wedge is truly seen and a reflection is repeated to make a new design. The shapes within the circular chamber aren't always recognized, but a fantastic pattern emerges in its place. As the chamber is rotated, the view changes and dazzles eyes, but the whole of reality is never seen again.
I had a dream where there was some type of calamity where the inside of a shopping center was in shambles. There were people and merchandise scattered awry and I was a news reporter. My associate and I were given a few moments to discuss and witness the scene and then we were to report on it. I'm ashamed to say that I saw the clothes first scattered and thought about the mess. Upon closer observation, I saw the people. Their lives shaken. They were being photographed in their various states of crisis. Some girls with their legs exposed as they had fallen in skirts. My dream didn't have blood, but there was obvious injury by the position of people. When it was time to report, I could only think of a kaleidoscope. Even I, with a first hand view could never see the full picture.
In life, I often miss reality because I am dazzled by the piece of the world I can see and it's distortions. Satisfied with the picture I get, I don't look for more. The world is in chaos! People are dying! I saw a picture of a world leader who recently died with a joke beside it as he was known as a Tyrant and his enemies are gloating. It disturbs me that this was a lost soul. I chose not to look at that image again. I will shuffle the images that are in my view until it is pleasing again and forget what is hidden. This is the way I carry on day after day. I shuffle the bad until its out of view.
I was going to say that this is an epidemic in Christianity, but I will dare to expand it to say this is an epidemic in America. Some people choose a pleasant view and some choose to keep an offended view, others have a mixture and feel they have perspective. Really only a very slim few are truly not looking through kaleidoscope view.
I Corinthians 13 says that we see through a glass dimly. Some translations say that we see a dim reflection in a mirror... So true! Like the kaleidoscope view, the picture that we see this side of heaven will never be complete. That doesn't mean that we should ignore what we choose not to see. In fact, everything that will come into our view in the future is affected by the portion that we cannot see at the present. In a kaleidoscope, the unseen portion is likely 80% or more of the possible whole. And every time the toy is shaken, the view changes. It will never look exactly the same again because the part we could not see shifts into view and things are rearranged. We never know when something that has left our view will reemerge either.
I don't yet have a conclusion to this analogy. There are so many directions that it could go ... I guess it's like a kaleidoscope in itself. Each of us can take the chamber of shapes and twist or shake it to see our new view of it.
I guess I will end with this: I can do a lot of things myself or let the environment change my view randomly or I can ask God to align my vision with His. May the eyes of my heart be enlightened.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Basic Bible Study - Part 7
Previous Lessons
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Lesson 7.0
We’ve talked a lot about the Bible and how it is laid
out. We’ve gone through types and
translations and digital Bibles. We’ve
talked about some observations and highlighting last week. Now after 6 weeks, we finally get to start
digging a little deeper into the Word of God.
Over the next 4 plus weeks, we are going to learn a few methods for
studying the Bible. Some of these will
be with pre-made worksheets. It obviously
will not take a worksheet to do any of these methods, but as we learn them the
worksheets will be a guide. There is no
need to become frustrated if you don’t do well with the method we discuss each
week. There are many more ways to study
God’s Word and we will find one that works for you.
If you’ve discovered a method that looks neat, but you
struggle with it, share it with me and I’ll try and figure it out and we can go
through it as a class. One thing about
questions is that often times you are not the only one with that question, but
maybe are just the first one with the courage to ask it. You’re welcome to ask questions at any point
or even say that you don’t agree or like something that we do.
Tonight we are going to discuss the 5 W’s. Through school, we’ve been encouraged to look
at them when reading for comprehension and when writing. The 5 W’s are WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and
WHY. We can also add a HOW to that list
if we want to. If we apply it to the
scripture, it is a great resource as well.
One of the things that may be a trip-up, though is that you may not be
able to find the answer to a few of these questions. For me a finished worksheet with blanks is daunting,
but it is okay not to have all of the answers.
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This is one way of doing the 5 W's worksheet. This has been designed by me with no references. Feel free to copy and paste it, adapt it to fit your needs, but please do not sell it. |
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This is another way of doing the 5 W's worksheet. This has been designed by me with no references. Feel free to copy and paste it, adapt it to fit your needs, but please do not sell it. |
Often times the text itself will give us all of the
information we need to understand the 5W’s. Sometimes it is not there, but the
introduction to a book will give us assistance.
Do note that not all Bible publishers agree on this information and so
since we weren’t there at the time it was written, we just need to trust God
for His direction. A good thing to do
before studying the Bible is to pray over it.
We need not bank our relationship with God and the study of His Word on
humanity. God sent us His Holy Spirit to
help guide us in these things.
Why would we not be able to find out the information on this
First of all is the WHO.
Not every author of Bible books is known, so if a scholar with a
life-long career in Bible research doesn’t know an author, we should not feel
upset if we don’t find that answer. The
who can also be characters in a story or people groups. Sometimes it is implied and sometimes it is a
cultural implication. We as Americans will
not understand the intent.
Next is WHAT. More
often than not we will find a “what” in the scripture. The what can be a situation or an object or
structure or idea. If it is not obvious
right away, we don’t have to fret and we can come back to it.
WHEN. When is very
often difficult to determine. Sometimes
the best answer we can get is daytime or springtime. Sometimes it is a specific time like the 12th
day of the month of Adar. There are
calendars and helps that can assist us in figuring out the season and
comparable date on the Gregorian calendar.
WHERE. The where can
be in bed or in a specific town or country.
In a boat can also be where.
WHY. This section is
often up to interpretation. Sometimes
the Word gives it plainly. This is one
that we can often get hung up on and many Christians actually debate them.
HOW. Sometimes a
scripture will say that the "how" is to believe … Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and
You will be saved. (not in quotes because it may not be exact) So the answer to, “How can I be saved?” is to
believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.”
We will go through some worksheets together looking at the
Book of Jonah.
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Here is an example of how a 5W's worksheet could look when it is filled out. Everyone in the class had their sheets filled out differently. No one way is right or wrong. |
Lesson 7.0 worksheet
T/F You should keep
studying a scripture until all sections of the 5W’s page is filled out.
T/F There can be more
than one answer to any of the 5W’s
What is one place to look outside of the chapters and verses
to find answers to the 5 W’s?
If you’ve been successful at journaling, try writing the 5
W’s out in your journal as you study a passage and document it there.
Finish looking at the book of Jonah and answer the 5 W’s for
each chapter. If we finish it in class,
try the book of Jude. It is only one
chapter long, but some of the answers may be a little more difficult to find.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Basic Bible Study - Part 6
Previous Posts
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Let’s practice this skill and see what we all think is important. It will be interesting to learn. PLEASE do not be ashamed if you don’t feel like any piece of the passage should be highlighted. The goal of this drill is to see the variations of different methods of highlighting. This will not make you a better scholar or a worse one.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Lesson 6.0 Highlighting and noticing patterns.
We will cover 2 topics this week. We will first discuss highlighting in our
Bibles and then patterns. The first
thing that comes to mind when thinking of highlights in the Bible is a line
from The Incredibles movie. “… once we’re all super, no one will
be.” This was said by Syndrome the
villain when he wanted to destroy all the super heroes in the world and then
sell people gadgets to give them pseudo-super powers. This, for me, is true of highlighting in the
Bible as well. If every word of every
page is highlighted, then nothing stands out anymore.
I can’t say that there is no wrong way to highlight after
that last little example, but different people will feel that a different
portion of scripture is in need of a second look and that is what they will
highlight. I’ve been in services where
the minister tells the congregation to underline something or highlight
something. It isn’t wrong for him to say
that, but not everyone likes to write in their Bible. Often I’ve already got that part highlighted.
There have been times where I can think of a scripture but
can’t remember where it is in the Bible.
The things I remember are that it was on the bottom of a page near the
end of the Bible and it was on the right-hand page. Because I had it highlighted, I found it
again. I’ve also been in a circumstance and flipped open my Bible and
found a highlighted spot that was a perfect encouragement that I needed in that moment.
I’ve known of people who will read through the Bible in a
year and use a yellow highlighter as they read.
The next year, they highlight in green and so on so that they can have a
color journal of what spoke to them the most each year. I think that’s awesome, but I don’t always
stick to a plan that long. I had planned
to only highlight the scriptures that speak of love in pink and then Christian
life in green and different colors for different categories of scripture. Anything that I couldn't categorize, I highlighted yellow if I liked it a lot. Develop your plan for colors. If you can stick with it, it may enhance future reading.
I have highlighters especially made for Bible pages because
they’re so thin. I also have regular
highlighters. It really is not going to
make or break you on what type you buy.
I even underline sometimes with my regular pen, but I need a ruler or a
bookmark to get the lines straight.
Colors are a personal preference.
Let’s practice this skill and see what we all think is important. It will be interesting to learn. PLEASE do not be ashamed if you don’t feel like any piece of the passage should be highlighted. The goal of this drill is to see the variations of different methods of highlighting. This will not make you a better scholar or a worse one.
Some of you may have noticed a pattern in this scripture
passage and that is what you chose to highlight. There have been times when the Lord
repeatedly said, “IF you will… THEN I
will…” I call this a pattern. In Numbers 29 there is a definite pattern set
forth under the feast of tabernacles.
I’ve learned that when God says something more than once, it is time to
take notice.
When studying the Bible it is good to notice patterns. There is several ways that we can notate a
pattern as well. One thing is to
highlight the repeated word or words.
This will stand out to us the next time we open the Bible to that
particular passage. We can journal what
we’ve noticed as a pattern. When we
journal things, we may have journalled it before and then flip back those few
pages and recall what the Lord was speaking to us in the first incident where
that something was mentioned. It is okay
to just read the Bible and enjoy it, but when we start noticing these patterns
and things that God speaks through the Word, it becomes alive in us.
Another way to document a pattern is to write a symbol by
that particular scripture. I’ve written
a cross by scripture in the Old Testament that refers to Christ. I’ve put a heart by things that mention His
love. If you can draw a small shape, you
can do these methods. An asterisk can
set apart a few verses as well. We
started learning to notice patterns in preschool and now we can apply that to the
study of the Word of God.
You’re likely finding out that anything that you used in
school to help you with your studies can be used in studying the Bible. Write in the margins of your Bible. Put a date when you studied that passage in the past... that date can be significant later in life. When I studied in college for classes, I
underlined or highlighted the things that I thought I would need to know for a
test. I wrote notes in the margin from lectures. That is not different from
Life. The Bible is our guide to
life. It might just do us some good to
have some things marked or highlighted that will help us on our journey through
Worksheet Lesson 6.0
What guideline will you use when highlighting in your Bible?
Have you ever been hesitant to make marks in your
Bible? Why or why not?
Has your view of highlighting changed or stayed the same
since this lesson?
Read Psalm 119 this week.
Notice the pattern in this scripture.
There is a theme throughout this chapter and it revolves around a group
of words with similar meaning. Feel free
to highlight favorite verses or mark repeated words.
Basic Bible Study - Part 5
Previous Lessons:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Lesson 5.0
Writing in a journal is not required to be a Christian, but it really can enhance the study of the Bible. Not only can it help in Bible Study, but it can be a reminder of what you’ve journeyed through in your Christian walk. Better than that, it can help you remember what God has done for you.
You can write your thoughts. You can write a scripture that inspires you. You can write a “Sermon” or teaching that the Lord lays on your heart. You can take notes from what you hear in church in your journal.
A journal is not necessarily a fancy book, although it certainly can be. Some journals are just a notebook that never gets the pages torn out. Sometimes having a nice looking book can help encourage you to journal. Fancy or plain, a record of what you’ve studied or thought or experienced is sometimes more valuable than money to you in the future. It could carry you through a rough time in your life.
Sometimes a dream that God gave you is very important to write down. If you have a peculiar dream, it is important to write it down as soon as you get a chance. If you later realize it is from God, the details will be important as you find its interpretation. The fact that Pharoah dreamed of fat and skinny cows really made a big difference when it came to interpretation. Cows just eating cows could mean that there is just cannibalism in the land.
Sometimes, if you learned what a word means, you might write down every verse you find with that word in it. It can enhance the things you already know and it gives you a bigger picture of God. Also, you can draw pictures or doodles in a journal. You can do a combination of words and pictures. You can write song lyrics in your journal that have meant a lot to you. Clip articles from newspapers or magazines and paste them in your journal. Possibilities are vast.
In today's world, keeping a digital journal may be easier for some people. It is certainly more compact. One can journal using any word processor and save it to his or her device or computer. This can be private or print and share experiences. Some people journal on social networking sites as notes. If you tweet, all that you tweet is public and you can reflect on your life from various status updates and tweets. Some people blog as a journal and others do photo journals. What ever form of digital journal you choose, first decide if it is public or private, then look at the possibilities of where to journal. I have actually used the voice recorder on my phone to capture thoughts or even songs that I have written so that I can go back and find them again. This is private, but can be considered a journal.
Jeremiah 30:1 CEV
1 The LORD God of Israel said, "Jeremiah, get a scroll and write down everything I have told you."
Worksheet Lesson 5.0
T/F Writing in a journal is every Christian’s duty.
T/F Writing in a journal may enhance your Bible study time.
T/F There is no wrong way to journal.
T/F Digital journaling is always public.
Purchase a notebook or journal or revive an old one this week and write in it with your Bible reading 3 times this week. Do not limit yourself. If you find that you enjoy journaling, do it daily. Look into some preprinted journals if you prefer to journal that way.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Basic Bible Study - Part 4
Previous Lessons:
Two main digital Bible sources will be used for this
study. The first is e-sword, a
downloadable Bible that is free to users, but some versions of the Bible and
commentaries cost money as they are copyrighted. The next is YouVersion which is a free online
Bible with many versions to choose from.
It is available from any web browser, but also as an app for apple, blackberry, android and other smartphones and devices including the Kindle Fire.
To read many translations from YouVersion, you must be connected to the
internet. Some versions are available for download. There are also other Bibles to
download to kindles or electronic devices as well as Bibles that are a device
in themselves. The variety is vast, but
with the covering of two types, hopefully the others will be understandable as
The first type of digital Bible study, e-sword is a
downloadable Bible. You only have to be connected to the internet for downloading the program. When you use it, you will not need to connect to the internet. You can find it at . Once you go to that page, you will find a
“button” on the right side that says, “Download e-sword now.”
If you scroll to the bottom of the next page
there will be 2 options. If you’ve never
downloaded the program before, you need to do the first option which is e-Sword v10.1.0 application installation .
Click the down arrow button
and follow steps from there. If you feel
more comfortable, you can have someone else walk you through those steps. The benefit of this is that the Bible is stored
on your computer and not the web. There
is less chance of a tampered with version of the Bible that way.
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The highlights are added by the user. The actual program has clearer print than this image. It is a screenshot provided by the website. |
The ease or difficulty of using e-sword will depend on how
comfortable the user is with using the computer. The books of the Bible are listed on the
right. You may download as many
translations/versions of the Bible as you desire, but know that several of them
cost money and it is an online transaction.
Those decisions are a personal choice, but there are many features that
are beneficial and free. We will walk
through it as a class. If you are only reading the blog, you are welcome to download this free version of the Bible. If you so desire to help the developers of this excellent resource, there is a place to donate on their page.
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Unfortunately I do not own a mac computer and cannot show how to get to the program using one. I'm sure fluent mac users will have no difficulty finding the program on their computers. |
The next digital Bible is an application and not a
download. The information is stored on
the internet and a connection to the internet is necessary to read the Bible
through it. There are some downloadable versions of the Bible that can be stored to your device, but switching versions requires an internet connections when the Bible is in use. The website is . If you create an account online, you can link
your account to an app that you install on your smartphone, iPad, iPod, kindle, tablet or other electronic device. When you go to the app store of your device, this Bible can easily be found by doing a search for, "YouVersion." It is
difficult to talk about what to do with these apps, so the rest of the class
will be dedicated to using them. If you are not in class, the best way to find out how to use the app is to just experiment. Following this paragraph, I have included a tutorial on the use of YouTube. It is just over 9 minutes long, so you can be prepared with your time if you are interested in watching this. He uses an iPad, but other devices have similar use. There are more videos with instruction on their use on YouTube and maybe even GodTube.
Worksheet Lesson 4.0
1. True/False There
are only 2 trustworthy digital Bibles
2. True/False You
don’t need an internet connection for e-sword after its installation is
3. List any other digital Bibles that you’ve heard of or
actually used.
Check out the digital Bibles that we’ve talked about this
week and see if either of them are right for you. If you don’t like it, there is nothing wrong
with that, just keep reading your print Bible and you will be on a great
path. If you use a digital Bible that
requires a password and user name, keep those in a safe place. There is nothing wrong with opening a few
accounts if you forget your user name or password, but many programs will only
allow an email address to be used one time.
Find Mark 10:45 on a digital Bible
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